Materials Needed
1. X-acto knife or other sharp cutting tool
2. Card board (I just used some I was going to recycle)
3. Tape
4. Picture of a four-leafed clover from the internet. This is the one I used.
5. Shredded Paper or Tissue paper
6. Mod Podge or some sort of gluing.
How to:
1. First, cut out the outline of the four-leafed clover from the internet.
2. Then trace the picture onto the cardboard. You can just free hand the whole thing if you want, but I chose to trace because I am not an artist. However, I did make the stem a little thicker. You will need two of these to make the four leaf clover 3D
3. Then cut out strips of card board. For this I would use a thinner cardboard, like the boxes that soda cans come in. You want it to be bendy, so you can sort of mold it to trace around the four-leafed clover.
4. Next you will tape the thinner strips to the outside edges of the cardboard, which will make it 3D.
5. Attach the backside of the clover with the tape also
6. Apply Mod Podge to the car board and apply the paper shreds. I did the inside dark green and outside light green.
7. Allow to dry and this is what the finished product will look like!
It might be better to make the stem more prominent, because on mine it a little hard to see. However, make it however big or small you want. In addition you can cut out pretty much any shape or size to make a simple decoration like this. So, get creative and have fun! Thanks for reading my blog! If you have any questions or comments please leave them below!
Loved it!